I'm not an exact expert on AOS having only played one game. (New to fantasy) But, my anecdotal appraisal is that it is objectively worse than...
Oh that terrain piece that can be garrisoned by the enemy and used against you for no conceivable reason? Yeah that thing is great. :cool:
And I'm over here just hoping we'd somehow get an updated model :) Looking at you Salamanders...
Today's progress. [IMG]
Well, I only have Rakarth Flesh so I guess I need some more paint! What do you think about the underbelly of the Carnosaur? What color would you...
More progress on the carnosaur w/ oldblood. Nearly finished, I'm starting to not know what else to do, this has approached the limit of my humble...
Been pretty busy lately but I just ordered a few reaper minis to try to convert. [IMG] This little guy i'm thinking would make a pretty cool...
Some more progress today. Pictures below! My Knights are now finally mounted and assembled, what color should I paint the spear tips? Carnosaur...
@Aginor I've tried a different webhost, since I can't edit my posts I'll put them here hopefully you guys can see this! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Work has continued! Balancing hobby time with trying to graduate nursing school amid this pandemic, just a few more days in the hospital and I'll...
I've tried to edit my post above but it wont let me! Here's today's progress post stream, thank you to those of you who came and hung out! The...
Feeling good so I'm going to do some painting, I sometimes stream it live at https://twitch.tv/aiurjordan :)
Diving into AoS as a new Seraphon player having no experience with the system with the exception of 40K Tyranids for a few years. I was instantly...
I know! I'm getting discouraged I just got my SC box and I can't find salamanders ANYWHERE! :(
Picked up a "Start Collecting!" Seraphon box today, been pouring over the resources you guys have here for hours on end today. Amazing community...