I have only gotten a little chance to look things over but I think we are fine. EVERY army has gotten toned down in power which is good. Mortal...
The Lord of celestial resonance is what really kills the slann. He just does not do enough and make enough CP for his cost. I think we will be...
There is also just playing a list that complements your play style. Starborne is not for everyone, especially if you like to play tanky coalesced...
Don't worry about the weapons right now just play some games say they are whatever you like. Right now skinks deal very little damage regardless...
How are you playing it? Rupture or just letting a skink wizard teleport to its doom? Heros + incarnate are about 1500 pts how are you using your...
Oh I agree, I think relying on rupture would be a better choice. The incarnate is picking up use again now that rupture is a thing. The...
Looks like another list went 5-0 with a teradon chief. This time he was holding the arcane tome and bonded to an Incarnate. Speed of huanchi let's...
The list had speed of haunchi so between that and 16" move they can make it anywhere turn 1. But yeah they are made of paper and expensive for...
So I saw a starborne list take 3rd place at a tournament. The list had 6 teradons and a teradons chief (along with typical starborne...
There was a list take recently took 5-0 at a tournament with the incarnate. Pretty much what your list is. I think the incarnate is fine. He can...
The new box is just okay. It's a good enough deal that I would get it if I needed another carnosaur. I like the start collecting skinks box better.
I just don't understand how seraphon is the faction with the most control over endless spells but we lack our own unique ones. Maybe they could...
So even with the emergency nerf we received seraphon has been doing great in tournaments. There is an article on woehammer right now about the top...
I don't see Trog getting a point drop any time soon because many starborne lists still use him. Even with the nerf he is our toughest arcane...
I agree completely. I think rippers are really good for alpha strikes. Many armies will try to place screens far out to stop our spell casting but...
Yes and no. Per point chargers on an objective still out preform rippers with a toad, but not by nearly as much. Chargers off an objective also do...
Khorne is all around just really good but not a hard counter to seraphon. The starborne list only lost by one point and was able to take two...
Looks like the nerf hammer didn't hit us too bad. I just saw the results from the renegades of the realms tournament that happened last weekend....
Sounds like you need to take two Slanns so you can get a nice even number. But as it is the only unit that ends with a 5 it effectively went up...
As written, yes that is how it works. You can teleport through a vassal and there is no limit to how close you can be to an enemy unit and you can...