Blood knights are now strength 4 down from 5 in 8th. Might be just a limit on what non monsterous things can do.
Yeah thats fair, for 86 points its not doing much but probably enough to kill warmachines, lone chars or terror something. Maybe even a ROR or...
Nice battle report, looking forward to hearing how you found the characters on mount on thier own. Been thinking about running solo rippers chiefs...
Them elf bodies are so soft and weak. Best for grudging and feeding to dinos :P
Now thats another question i feel wholely unqualified to answer, could we be tougher, that be nice. Carnos at T7 might be one of the tougher...
A thing i noticed is that i think mounts adding toughness is a representing really of "who toughness is higher" or some kind of joint capped...
Yeah that makes sense, i build similar lists to this and after a combat old blood, slann, bastildon and steg it can get tight for points. Which is...
I've been wanting to run something like this for a while so let me know how this goes. Just two quick question Why the BoTR over the Ogre blade,...
I'm in the middle of first draft of a fan made arcane journal and this was the first unit i put in. A move 6 GW weilding, maybe frenzy maybe...
It would be great but range self spell can't be channelled through arcane vassal. Unless you mean zone with drain magic and blast via the vassal ?
Pillar of fire is cracked. Battle magic is just strong. Halberds give us a nice inbetween of GW and our obisdian blades and let us keep the init...
Yeah for cav spears are fine for the knights or rippers, when you know you can clear through in a turn, but for our heros id rather give them a...
Thanks for taking the time to watch it and respond. To respond to a couple of points cause i did say my opinions have changed and some of them are...
Been a while since i posted to LO but i've been lurking since the old world dropped. Been enjoying and getting games fairly frequently and decided...
So i was very busy and my paints have not been out. I think i managed to wrap up the knight of santiago i had but that was it.
Busy month this month so ill settle on: wrapping up miltary order stuff Maybe priming kroak
I'll be honest i spent most of this month trying not to melt in our heat (26 aint much unless your house wants to suffocate you with) Finish...
Last month was slow but we got there. This month: Finish painting atleast 1 model from MO box in infinity. Doing 10 characters at once is tough...
Half year update: Baring any serahpon 3.0 core book in the next 6 months or any other radical changes. Im 1570/2000 painted on a KC army that i...
Finish the Chameleon Skink from Star blood stalkers All done except bases. one day ill get them finished Mendoza and MO action pack have been...