It feels a bit snakey to me. The tail doesn't really slim down that much and the striped pattern also reminds me of snakes. Coatl?
Well to be fair he did post a 50% discount code for his MMF store but that's absolutely useless when you had been a Patreon for years.
Guess who decided to upload today again? Raven Twin Miniatures. Just continued like nothing happened. Not even an apology or a free month or...
New Lizardmen release on the onepagerules Patreon. [IMG]
The women sport clothing producer?
Raven Twin Miniatures has some epic new Lizardmen files on his Patreon. Boy do I love that Gor-Rok, Zlaaq + Mazda and the Tehenhauin scuplts. I...
Dayum the comic style looks epic! I will have to give that a try one day myself.
I look forward to the results!
I am going for a mishmash of both 3d printed and GW kits. My riders will be the One Page Rule saurus and they will be riding the Drakespawn Knight...
Last Sword Miniatures has an amazing Carnosaur scheduled for their december release. [IMG]
I changed my mind. I made a headcanon that the Thunder Lizard is so massive 4 legs isn't enough to support it's bodyweight. That's why it evolved...
Loot Studios (Loot Studios ( has a few cool dinosaur pieces on their october release. I am probably going to use the sauropod as...
Kroak Guard dayum that was a pretty good idea. I already got a few painting ideas for Kroaks personal guard. I won't make Gor-Rok jealous though :)
Those cavalry lizards do be looking cool af! Would also make for some great Dread Saurians when upscaled. The standing riders isn't really my...
Seems like the updated One Page Rule Carno and Skink Priest have arrived. I like em! onepagerules @onepagerules - MyMiniFactory [IMG][IMG]
[ATTACH] Seems like OnePageRules is making some changes to a few of their Lizardmen releases. If you want the models as they are now I suggest...
Would make for an interesting Gor Rok to if you have just one of the guys. Still hoping someone transfers the TW:WH2 textured and posed model to...
Amazing model! I already purchased it of course ;)
I love your 3d print file kitbashes my man! I did a pretty easy kitbash of the Lost Kingdom Carno and a Kroq Gar file uploaded by Emang on...
I also am in love with the Raven Twin dread saurian! I see you didn't have to cut it up in smaller pieces, which I unfortunately haven't had the...