"To the strip of land that I call my Calithiya, my home, there resides upon its berth the likes of stoic creatures who have lived here far longer...
Yay! I did it, I finalized the current roster summaries! Now it's time to continue on with the rest of the newer Saurians... Wippee
Always been a Tzeentch guy myself, fell in love with the general vibe the God of Change had going on when I first delved into AoS. Also,...
Now that I feel somewhat sufficient in our current roster, I will most likely take the weekend off to begin editing and expanding the (supposedly)...
"Though they are benign in both spirit and form, these Sarauglir, as my late cousin had come to call them, are truly a menace upon the colonies...
Just as a heads up for this will work, I'll be editing each post respective to their Saurian culture, so hopefully, there isn't a character limit...
"Motherly Ropsamaniya, she is besieged on all sides, not by the Norskiye, not by the Sigmaryens, and not even by the Trolle and Orkmen, instead...
Alright, I'll probably hold off from writing about the rest of the Saurian races for a while. Now for a little bit of out-of-universe lore. I...
“A nation of poets and artists, and still they are a race of monsters akin to the Nagaraja, those Khureshimi are as good in the art of verse as...
“It would appear that not only do the men of coastal Albion content themselves with sharing their pitiful isles with the likes of the Geants and...
“To the west in those precarious places which we have dubbed as the New World, there reside in those lands creatures that are both unlike us in...
I haven't seen a lot of people talk about some of the new tidbits in the battletome. Wanted to try and spark some discussion is all. P.s....