How do you find all this stuff? I'm so confused. I'm pretty new to AOS still and I would expect all this to be in one of two places. Either the...
I am so glad I found this thread. I'm in the same boat and was wondering what to do as well. Good suggestions above. I already had built the...
When I am building a list in the official Azyr list builder on the app, if I try to add scenary to my list I only see Penumbral Engine. Why? Yes...
I'm pretty new to the game, and want to know how the mortal wounds for "It Burns!" work with how the Salamander Hunting Pack warscroll is written....
Thank you Kilvakar, This is exactly the type of advice I was looking for and gave me a lot to chew on. I'm pretty sure for my first attempt at an...
Hey everyone, I played WFB back in the day and still had a lot of Lizardmen lying around. So I figured I would try and adapt them to Age of...