If a character on a cold one joins a unit of saurus that are 4 models wide, does the character count as a model in both ranks and then makes two...
the burning blade of chotec is only 20 points, its usually worth it if you fight heavily armoured things edit: ive never used temple guards though
also, the champions may take magic weapons :jimlad:
The venom of the fire-fly frog only works on mundane weapons, right?
How about I replace the chameleons for a salamander or razordon? Im going to try that since the chameleons havent been that good so far.
Thanks for the tips :) Would it be worth taking an ancient stegadon with EotG in a 1000p game? I could keep the core units in this list, the...
This is my first list Ive made for Lizardmen, please tell me what you think about it. ;) Heroes: Skink priest: 140p lvl 2, cloak of feathers,...
Anyone have pictures? I cant find any.
There is a model? o_O
Just to clarify some things then: skinks with blowpipes get - for multiple shots, moving and fire, and most times for long range aswell. This...
Oh.. Ill look there then :oops:
Does anyone play with him or atleast tried it? I think its a really cool character, and also the cheapest in points so Im thinking of trying him...
What if you shoot with blowpipes and need 7s to hit, does the 6s still count as poisoned or the 6s in the next roll?
Just a question: can you have two arcane items on your skink priest?
What about the other way around? Temple guards without a slann?
cheating when playing demons? :(
thats awesome! i have just started painting my skinks red so im going to try that for my saurus :D im also really lazy and extremely slow at painting
The special rule for his shield, does it make the enemy lose its charge bonuses only when hitting just him, or can he be in a unit so they benefit...
so all you have done is sprayed them white, washed with ogryn flesh and then baal red? they look great :)
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis I think those converted spears on the saurus look really good :)