So, I have a 2k tourney coming up in 3 weeks (just at our local game shop) and I'm thinking of using my lizzies, assuming I can get them assembled...
yeah he doesn't use an organ gun, because he doesn't have a model at the moment. I didn't consider war machines an issue since I'd have terradons...
I didn't think of those, as the dwarf players I play don't use any organ guns or gyrocopters!!! Besides, I think I'd rather have him be forced to...
haha, it would help if I read item descriptions better! I just remembered the steg bonus, didn't see the lance part....could be that it was 3-4...
oh yeah! even better...forgot about the chameleon rule... The march block was just another added bonus, not the real intention of the thought...
This might be a good idea, it might not. I think it would be effective to put a unit of 10 chameleon skinks plus a skink cheif BSB with the Sun...
Well, this is my first lizzie list, and I'm pretty sure it's not the best... Anyway, I wanted a magic heavy list as well as getting two ancient...
I knew that, I was just making sure I could keep his regiment out of LoS of enemy casters and still be able to use him.
I am about 99% sure this gets asked a lot, but since I've checked as much of the forum as possible and couldn't find an answer, figured I'd ask it...
what about models with difference levels? (like a steg with skink crew) or a mount (like chaos knights) which initiative is used?
One thing I just want to add, is don't under-estimate goblins, they may seem weak on the outside, but don't get cocky and send your saurus head-in...
My other army I play is Orcs and Goblins, so I'll gladly trade all those animosity tests for one stupidity test :)
oop, should have mentioned, next time I head down to the weekly warhammer league I was planning on buying a couple skink priests and maybe a scar...
thanks for the advice! :) I'll look in to getting some terradons The stegs are both last edition models (with the longer horns) I'm also in the...
Well, for some time now, I have been debating on a second army (between lizardmen, dark elves, ogre kingdoms, high elves) and I finally decided on...