Thanks. It's a little... washed out. but sort of how my style ends up. partly because I foolishly assembled then painted. man TG are nothing...
So starting three lizardman armies, slowly over time to collect a bunch of different units. Lets me mix up painting some too =D Here's army #1,...
Hmm, wonder if it has other names outside the US. But otherwise, from what I heard brake fluid can damage them after a while, and is toxic....
hmm, not sure if I see it. could be a sprue bit, I haven't polished him up and was kinda rushing these in pre-fever madness. It does make it...
thanks. now I just get to pray a kroxi will fit when I get one next week. Then it's time to paint.. eh.. 72 figures @.@ phew. well, 60 for...
hee! Why I tossed it up. One thought was to remove the middle of the drum, making it shorter, but still very wide. I'm sure if I had more kits...
phew! So here's the idea. Take a standard saurus drum. clip/shave off the arm. Touch it up a bit. Remove a spike and remove a javelin from an...
simple green for me works wonders, and non toxic. but. I just found out it doesn't seem to affect spray primer @.@ the rest of the paint fell...
heh. I'm still pondering how to add the drums. Whether or not the assistant might be driving the groovy beat to rally to or the SLann himself...
always either going darker tones or lighter tones than the skinks for your saurus. So tan/white or say, brown/tan... one of my three armies is...
heh, will have to remember that. I might waffle to other items instead, but making a silly temple guard + slann + BSB unit, figured it'd make a...
this item? does it do what I think it does if I toss it on a SLann who's my general? That is, to say, units within 12" who are fleeing can make a...
Looks like I got beat to the punch, but it's cool. So some comments and overview from what I've read. As for the 'when to take...
I don't want to leap in and find out someone's beat me to the punch. So was anyone planning on doing one? Or shall I get a beta going in this...
... he's totally going in my mixed skink unit now. ... 8 attacks by the krox, 12 by the skinks =D ... if I recall, doesn't frenzy transfer....
I've done the mathhammer a few times. Against T3 targets it about equals out. Against T4 and up, blowpipes win by sheer number of dice and...
... wow, I thought wood elf armies were scary. Are ya sure you didn't accidentally field a 40K army by mistake? Good luck though! Tell me how...
I've gone with a khemri brown base, and various colors on the back scales. usually tinted the khemri brown 'skin' some. but then again, I just...
I'll be mixing weapons in my saurus. But at a 1/5 ratio at worst. (so the 10 strong hammer gets two spears. one might even be a champion.) and...
I like the slann idea, because 20 templeguard + slann = pretty hardcore (if high points) unit. I'm one of the ones who feels Temple Guard...