Unless he can provide a statement in his empire army book confirming this, then he is incorrect. If this is the case, wether he was manipulating...
Awesome thanks, i think that may come in handy ;) .
Awesome guys, thats everything clarified except point 1 (probably my fault for sidetracking). Question 1 rephrased: 1) Say an enemy wants to move...
First of all, im unsure of where to post this, i apologise if this is the wrong section of the forum. Now, on to my very noobish questions! 1)...
Im not sure you guys are following, UP TO 1 hero is allowed. Max 25pts of equipment, only 1 special or rare choice, and no model more than 150...
I do not have to field a general as stated in the warband special rules. Therefore i ask, were you unaware of that (my mistake i should have said...
As some of you might know, an interschool league is held anually between secondary schools. For the first time ever Okehampton college will be...