Sal is US3 so the unit dose not get -1 same for terradons as they are flying cav and US2.
Mate no offense was ment but i was only trying to state how movement in the magic phase can be very useful. And thats a big part of how this item...
You guys arnt seeing how great this can really be or havint stated why its such a great item. It go's off in the magic phase meaning you can...
Drop FoR on the slann you don't need it same for Divine Plaque protection. Give him the war banner and war drums. Now give the TG the +D6 charge...
Its for when/if the steg dies's he gets ploped onto the ground and still looks good. And yeah the colors on the tails help, trick is to get...
Gave some skinks a going over just to high light them and did up a chief with the war-spear and a priest with CoFeathers. Enjoy! [attach]...
If you want to learn how the game relay works play a mate and use only averages. Take the luck factor out of the game and it all most becomes...
I think it comes down to the list. For a dragon I would look at beasts. MSU probably death.
Hahaha And its not one EotG but the combination of a EotG and a Slann. The NZ and AUS torny seen has tryed very hard to cut the cheese out of...
Cheers mate. I could take a EotG but comp makes up a good size of the overall score. 120 for battle(0-20 per game x 6 games) 60 for comp 25 for...
Thanks guys. Yes I would hide the dons in woods till they where able to get in a position to do some dmg. With 6 units with a speed of 18-20...
Thanks lads. What about eagles? Im thinking of takeing now befor you rip my army to bits our torny seen is allot more comp friendly than most...
Hello Lads Need some general advice vs high elfs. The next warhammer torny im entered in I will be a playing a high elf's who I have grudged,...
Thanks mate Panic is only one side to the sal's. vs large bloodletter units like vod had and horas that are T3 with a 5+ ward you will kill a...
Same do you guys find that the jav's and blowpipes break allot? its almost like the plastic is to fine or something.
I think a jag vet would work nice, he could help the teradons out if needed or do his normal thing. You could drop a block of 15 and make the...
The list looks a little odd, nice fast killy lord but missing some support, COC would be nice + gives another option for your enemy to shoot.
I'm a torny player i normal cant pick my army to deal with 1 player but have to build it to cope with all the army's I agree with you that the...
Since the new book came out i have been running a cohort of 16 with 2 krox and FC. And they are an awsome unit, one of the best in the new book....
As you can see, there was no TG left in the pic to keep him out of the fighting rank