First post - Yep, flanks worked well. I managed to get the Skrox unit into the flank of his mad bassids (Errants?) and was taking them down...
Also, I'll agree on your assessment there, Leo. 2+ armour saves and ward saves on most of the army are a right pig. The lance charges are...
I got absolutely rofflestomped. To be fair, the game was out to get me. Firstly, we roll the battle that uses the table lengthways. I've got...
Cheers folks - sorry I've not replied. It all sounds kinda in line with what I was thinking about, though I'd been considering Lore of Light for...
Hiya folks, I'm just getting back into playing my Lizzies, haven't touched 'em for a little while. I'm due to play a friend with his Bretonnian...
Thanks :) I've got a bunch more stuff painted, including my Carnosaur and Stegadon. I'll post some pics soon!
Oh wow. I played my first game against Tomb Kings today, and OH GODS THE PAIN! My friend runs a chariot-based army, 2 units of 4 chariots, one...
The photo has come out a bit darker than he really is, actually. He's not QUITE as dark and menacing in reality :P But thanks!
Ok, I <3 your skinks :D
Why not show off a little something from my Summer collection :) Here's my Cold...
Oo, I'd missed the Rare units thing. I'll join 'em up, Sallys are great :) I'm pretty much set on having the priest use the Rod of the Storm over...
Hmm, maybe I'll pull out the standard then and just run them 6-strong. That gives me about 19 points to play with, I'm sure I can buy a magic item...
My most common opponents look to be various Chaos armies, Orcs, and maybe TK and High Elves. Ok, to address Barotok's points, firstly yes, the...
Also a good choice from what I've seen around. Terrys are awesome though :)
Now, in no way do I claim to be an expert, but have you considered some Terradons?
Sorry for the doublepost, but there's only so much edit you can do :P Bit concerned that I only have one unit of infantry. Contemplating turning...
Roit, after my successful debut last week, there's a bunch of us meeting up this Sunday to play some more, and we're going up to the heady heights...
Thankee :) Yeah, the comet was fun. Wiped out most of the middle of the battlefield! And yay, my Terradons arrived :D
Victory! Mwahaha! Or something. The force I was up against was a big pile o' beastmen. Big unit of Bestigors, big Gor/Un-gor beast herd, two...
Ooo, it's coming back? I see my next army already... Thanks all! I shall endeavour to get some photos of my lizzies uploaded for you. I've got a...