As a different opinion, I really like Skink Cohorts for an Oldblood list. Carnosaurs are relatively slow and in my opinion, they need the cohorts...
I was looking at the Plaque of Dominion for a little while. I'm almost certain that Stupidity affects models that are 'immune to psych' but you...
Fair enough on the skirmishers vs cohorts. I didn't want the discussion to become confused. I agree that it does depend on what you are charging....
You are correct Bibamus, Warhammer involves dice and dice produce randomness. However, to consistently win, as I'm sure you are aware, it is...
The casket is dangerous to lizardmen because we operate on a lot of ld 6 troops and the casket does damage like a banshees scream. Cold blooded...
Skirmishers don't break ranks, so charging skink skirmishers into the flank is silly. They most likely won't kill anything and they will be killed...
I personally prefer the Talisman of Protection over the Enchanted Shield. You essentially trade 3 pts for always having a 16.667% save. It...
Just to second Caeghem, in my opinion the EOTG getting charged would be legal. The order charges are declared can be very very important. Also,...
Victory points are determined by number of models not Unit Strength. So if you have 1 salamander pack (3 handlers) and you've lost 2 of the...
For the record, an OB on Carnosaur can be picked out of any unit due to the model being US 6. There are 2 major issues that have to be considered...
Does throwing a Jagvet at them actually work? I'm always worries about their stand and shoot, although I guess they would be at a -2 to hit.
My problem with blowpipes is I very rarely can use them to double shoot and get poison. That might be my misuse problem on my end. The...
That, I believe, is what often gets lost in message boards. There is only intent and roles and uses in list design. I'm not great at list...
For the cohort vs jav. skink debate: You would also be removing your ability to go through woods/difficult terrain with speed. Not that this...
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/5/09) I might be being extra dense this afternoon but I don't understand the chart. Assuming that you...
I am currently trying to get used to/perfect a list with SCOR in it and I have a couple of questions about SCOR use. *Do they require a...
I am not an expert so take this as you see fit. Terrain is going to play a big factor for you. i don't know how your upcoming tournament does...
Re: Skink Skirmisher FAQ and Index A couple of things from me. - Do you folks see Skinks as ranged threats? - How do you keep them safe from...