thanks alot drpieceofme, some really good stuff in there. as far as the musicians i guess im just too used to 7th and ignoring them lol I...
in response to powellnf I like blowpipes better too. sometimes I just wonder tho, would that round of shooting gone better with javelins? so...
sorry but like the term or not, it exists. You don't have to be rude because you dont like it
Oh so you arent an idiot lol you were just pretending to be
So with 8th edition everyone at my local store seems to have gone all daemon and warrior crazy so theres alotta tough competition. I think this...
Interesting idea on the skirmishers. I never really thought a slann should be in anything but a TG unit, and I agree that there are other lores...
So now that percentages are the comp guidelines my skaven buddy keeps blabbin about a unit of heroes. And I was thinking how cool itd be to have...
On the other hand, how much would it be worth to have the skink harrassing the enemy alone with a javelin or blowpipe? Since the ranged abilities...
As far as skink on horned one, if he has a spear or an extra hand weapon, some venom of the fff, some nice armor...There is probably also some...
Unfortunately I beleive by the wording under terradons they are allowed to join units of terradons, therefore they are exempt from the rule that...
So, my only question is whether or not the rule for making up units entirely of characters goes with the terradon rule that a hero on it can join...
i was toying with the idea of a priest using it for channeling. I suppose a 5+ armor save isnt terrible significant on survivability of a two...
So of course now that a BSB lets us reroll all Ld tests the stupid cavalry are much more viable. This would suit a number of army types, the most...
I've been pondering over my kroot too. I noticed the tassle on the chamo skink, but I really like the idea of the handlers having meat lol. I...
I'd suggest getting two more sauruses and a banner, making the unit 6 wide with the scar vet, and try to get a musician for the skinks so when...
with most skinks they are nuisance units. min units of ranks allow for minimum points loss and maximum utility. If they are unwounded they can...
I love slann with an EOtG next to him and just walking over all the undead that my friends try to cheese out. When I get around to a second...
once the crew is dead or has fled in cc you just destroy the machine anyway by overrunning or pursuit or w/e a chariot, including its crew and...
I was toying with the idea for awhile and I think my best was to start with the old school Slann's palanquin and use the slann's feet as Tettos
Thanks alot for the clarification I will now proceed to pimp that out with maybe the CoJW