Both my priests were level 2, sorry for not mentioning that.
Not having my book infront of me at the time of posting I looked up an online army generator and grabbed my point cost from that.
I played my first game yesterday it was a small (800ish) points match and I'mk kinda happy with things turned out, I was playing against a Ogre's...
I'm pretty sure we won't see the long necked creature for a while as it was the first draft carrier of EotG but they just gave that to stegs :/
She said it 5 times, I was bored But on a more relevent point Welcome, I'm in the same boat when it comes to warhammer experience :D
Has anyone played against this team? I played my second match ever and got completely obliterated, I know they're not exactly offical but does...
Well, I'm expecting to play against chaos, dwarves and ogre's so I'm not seeing much in the way of fast calvary, so I just ordered my self 1...
Razordon's would be more effective against larger higher leadership units while a salamander would be best against ranked lower leadership units?
Well in comparison to salamander to razordon it all seems to be situational?
I only seem to have a 6th edition book, so I've got no idea on people don't seem to like these, could anybody clear it up for me?
Thanks, I've actually been reading the tactics forum (Not as much as the battle report forum what can I say I'm a sucker for pictures) good news...
Hey, I'm kinda new to the forum also I'm somewhat new to warhammer (I played a bit of 40k but wasen't a fan of that because the only person I...