Ummm he can still use his 2 hand weapons with all builds lol. But may use that Venom Sword against VC and DoC muhahahaha.
Ok your right on the Comet not sure about Black Horror since my DE book is at work. but Pit of SHades is affected by the ring. The DE FAQ states...
Kind of beg to differ on this, Yes Flaming Head and Winds of Undeath would work but you have to be 12" from the ring. Also anything targeting...
Could try this list used it against a dwarf gunline though but it worked great. Skink Priest Level 2 EOTG and Plaque of Tepok Skink Priest Level...
OK so today I was playing VC and the guy used his Banshee on the Engine of the Gods, he got a 13 total and said he only had to randomize where...
oops and can also add the Bane Head if you want too enough points left over for that.
I dont get how Banehead + Giant Bow work? Doesn't the Skink Chief have to hurt him or does anything on the Stegadon count for that purpose since...
Sooo no love for the Burning Blade of Chotek on a GuO? Also could do this, Burning Blade of Chotek Light Armor Maiming Shield Glyph Necklace...
I got a question about the Slaan and "Look out sir" does the slaan get the benefits of that or can the cannonballs get them easily? Just curious...
ok I changed some things Slaan Mage-Priest w/BSB Disciplines Focus of Mastery The Focused rumination Items Dispel Scroll Skink Priest level 2...
Mainly Dwarves, VC, and Britons for now. Yea the BSB was on the Slaan already kind of forgot to list that. So I should just drop TG all together...
Here is a 2k list I came up with some advice would be appreciated. Slaan Mage-Priest w/ Disciplines Focus of Mastery The Focused rumination...
Someone forgot to tell Army Builder about that because right now Lord Mazdamundi and an EOTG counts as my 2 rare choices when I use that program...
Me's thinks you will probably have to just make your own Mazdamuni unit since I have yet to see anything about a model of him being released....
Is there a rule your army has to have a uniformed color scheme for a tourney? I was curious because I want to paint each of my units a different...
Considering Spawnings are gonna be gone next month I say no problemo. I was gonna paint mine different colors for each unit. Like I have 4 units...
I was kind of hoping for a +1 WS Spawning with the new rules but I guess the new temple guard can be taken regardless if a Slann is present or...
I'd wait for the new book to come out before making speculations how the Skink/Kroxigor unit will work out. We could assume that the whole unit...
Sell more blue paint maybe? Going with Occom's razor on this one.
Blue Oyster Cult "Godzilla" Shadows Fall "The Light that Blinds"