Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! Hey, you said we can paint anything right? How about some of my space marines? Is that allowed? Chosen...
From my local GW. Chosen of Sotek
Amazing models. You are quite talented. :) Chosen of Sotek
The one on four legs would look like a beastly king of salamanders model. (only if there was such a thing) And the smaller looking model that is...
I heard that there had to be at least 6 different colors on the model. I have no idea whether this includes the base or not. :jawdrop: Chosen...
Well if your lizards are green, then the ideal cold blood color would be something that look good with green. In my opinion any of these colors...
I am hoping the new book is good. This is my first warhammer army and I hope the lizards do well. I heard lots of stuff is be revamped and many...
Looking for a melee oriented army? Well look no further than the Black Templars. They are the epitome of close combat. :D They almost never let...
Those models look amazing. The orange and blue contrast quite well. Also nice looking Deathgaurd. :D Keep up the good work, can't wait to see...
Get lots of skinks to shoot him from afar. Terradons may work well with their hit and run tactic. Chrge them into combats where you know they...
Well a lot of Ultramrines players buy tons of blue. ;) But I think the blue color looks nice and is applied well. It looks cool when an army is...
They are not changing? Why not? I too am from the Great State of Texas. What part of Texas are you from? I am in Houston. Yeah I am planning...
Hey guys, how is it going? I live in the United States and I am currently in high school. I have been playing Warhammer 40k for 3 years and I...