Would it be possible for someone to update the Lizardmen FAQ thread or maybe host a link for the pdf download, I'm having trouble accessing the GW...
The models in your photobucket look amazing! What colors did you use for the Carnasaur and Saurus warriors? Thanks!
Your Saurus Warrior looks great! I was wondering which colors you used for the skin and scales?
Your work is really amazing and very inspiring to a new Lizardmen/Fantasy player like myself. I was wondering, how wide are the scenic borders on...
Thank you both for the advice, The suggested army list looks pretty solid. In which units would you recommend putting the Skink priests in?
Hi everyone, I am new to Warhammer Fantasy and Lizardmen, so here is my first army list: HEROES Skink Priest Dispell Scroll x2 Skink Priest Lvl...