I like any good tournament report accompanied with decent pictures, look forward to seeing the rest of the games posted.
The trouble with Cold One Cav is they are expensive and rely on magic to really shine. Having a decent Initiative is important for cav in 8th and...
Some good advice here if you want some general army list construction guidance give this a listen it's full of sound advice....
Chameleons have been top performers on games I've played so I see no reason to drop some even though some extra Saurus or a Salamander would be...
This is the list I'm taking to a tourney in a few weeks and thought I'd see what people make of it. Slann BSB (Light) - Focused Rumination, Focus...
Scar Vets with great weaons are another great way to deal with armour and you can keep them cheap and they remain effective.
If this is the only merit you can see that the Skrox bring to the table you should re-read some of the posts in this thread since I'm not going to...
The largest Saurus unit I would run would be 30 any more just seems like a waste and would do the same as 30. As for hording them it would depend...
There is little reason to take Cohorts without some Krox and no reason to take a large unit in horde formation if you do. Skrox should never be...
The only deamons I know that have a 4+ ward in fantasy are the tzeentch heralds and horrors when accompanied by a herald. Though there may be a...
The armour is 3+ and the ward is 5+ like most of the other deamons.
Well yes the unit the Vampire just mauled may hold but with the ability to fly the only target will be an isolated one without support so it...
Gannon there are some that can take on a fully ranked unit, a vampire lord with red fury and dreadlance on a dragon can easily cause 6-8 wounds...
You can't get both with Oldblood's 100pt magic item limit since the blade and horned one come to 110pts.
Right after reading through the new book I've come up with my first list which has turned out fairly balanced. Slann -BSB -The Focused Rumination...
When I played against a thirster the other night I almost killed it with spells and bane head with a 4th gen slann and probably would have had we...
I'm sure people who play a cavalry force will have that many, maybe even more.
I take it one of these is meant to be 'not within', which one is it? Edited for copyright law material.
It's 75pts for the weapon. In large games it could get interesting with a slann added to cast doom and darkness on the targets.
Since there's a new book all LM players are kind of starting anew and until there have been a decent amount of games played it will be hard to...