We have a doubles tourney coming up soon, and iv'e been partnered with the resident high elves player. At only 1000pt ea., a slann is out of the...
I have had these models kicking around in my hobby box for a few years now. Im clearing out a load of old stuff I dont use and was wondering...
Im hoping The foucsed Rumination will help keep up the magic front when power dice start to fall low, but I can see your point. My current army...
Really? I must of missed that, thank for the heads up. Does that cover just dispell scrolls or feedback scrolls aswell?
Lord Slann Focus of mystery The focused Rumination Feedback Scroll Bane head 390 Slann The focused Rumination The...
What does RIP mean? I saw it used allot in magic topics.
We were wondering at my local gaming club whether this price hike to to fund the 40k movie being released. It seems like the kind of thing gw...
I love to fight chaos warriors, for the chance to boil their armour to their skin with my magic toting slann while laughing at their pathetic...
maybe not terradons, but certainly that feathered creature talked about in the armybook. Yes, i agree that the 'nids do need some more work, but...
You dont need to find arms instead of guns, just fill in the hole with greenstuff and say that the attacks are different, eg the terradons attacks...
Search KR Multicases, they do gw style trays with hard cardboard cases for £20. That gives you 144 slots for minitures. THey also do a pick'n'mix...
Im not the expert, but thats a lot of expensive, small units, both money and points wise. In a 2000 point game, you can only use one lord, and the...
what about a paint remover avalible in the uk? simple green is not unfortunatly
Thats where i got the idea for a 'death from above' army from
I want to have a lot of terradons in my army, i love the idea of death from above. However, i dont really want to be forking out £12 a time from...
Yeah, why not. Im in
OKay, so this is a fixed tourney list. I'm open to any pointers, just bear in mind i have a limmited buget so big investments are off the scope....
Nice one, they look ace. I like that little gem on the left on the base, adds a nice touch. Im not quite sure i could critizie those, or find any...
Doomwheels, you avoid them with small expensive units. They get 3 SRT:5-10 shots at your unit, with no saves. My Coldone got pummled because...