Not sure on the 1st question but would probably say no. On the Slann question i think they only need to be declared when used like magic items.
No, each spell can only be cast once per phase. Unless you have more than once catser with a spell. E.g. 2 skink priests with uranon's thunderbolt.
Think you are right not sure where in the BRB it is but Bretts have an exception to this to allow them to use a lance on the 1st round of combat...
Don't think there is a roll to hit as it isn't shooting. So roll the D3 per model and then roll with those to wound.
Might be a good combination to out on a BSB, making him very difficult to remove from the unit.
They definetly get their armour from the steg, at least that is how i would read it.
I'd suggest its is better to make your enemy test on their leadership then trust to stubborn.
If the bret player prays then the royal pegasus gets a ward save like the knight if not it has no armour save
I've had a good experience tryas wise from although it has just changed hands.
Bretts have 2 different pegasus. The unit type are not monsters and are treated as one model with one stat line. The character type is a monster...
Beat me to it, had an answer (although not as well written) all typed out!
Yup mine do this to almost as if it takes them a while to realise what is happening and what they need to do!
What are you facing in the enemy army? Then we might be able to give advice.
No, amour piercing means that the weapon causes an additional -1 to the armour save. i.e. strength 3 its -1 strength 4 its -2 and so on. Dark...
Don't know but try looking under the description in the army book for the marks of chaos!
Yup, they are magical versions of the standard armour/weapon and have extra goodness as described!
Sounds good to me will give that a try.
You can probably still keep the idea of your list with 100 skinks. Dropping to that and dropping the slann will leave you plenty of points to fit...
I agree with Caneghem, You need more units. my 750 and 100 point armies have heroes with a save worse than your current list and survive quite...
As far as i'm aware it doesn't take up any extra slots. So lots of terror causing goodness possible!