Those dice look ace! Would love some of them. Is it possible to make them more sharp in the edges, or do they only have those round shapes? I'll...
Sorry but I wont be going. Didn't get a ticket in time. Some from my gaming group will be attending, so thats why we practice with the system :)
Hi Everybody Using the following restriction system, I have made this army. Any help is welcome, as it is my first go at a 8th edition Lizardmen...
This gives you more points to spend on you units, compared to the points you spend on characters. When you compare 2000 pts with 2250 pts you have...
Thanks :) I'll just be following your thread, no need to have two treads on the same topic :)
Ironfoot, you missed the part where it states that each stegadon also counts as the normal choice (special for normal and rare for ancient) and...
Hi Aranigej No I'm not going to the ETC, but I'd love to. Don't think I'm good enough, and really don't know who to talk with in Denmark (where...
Hi Guy How would you build the hardest ETC list? I was thinking something like this: Slann, BSB, Focused Rumination lvl 1 Eotg 2x3 Terradons...
Portent of Far!: You get to re-roll on all "To Hit" and all "To wounds"? We've always played it that you picked either "reroll to hit" or "reroll...
Just bring saurus and TG, CoR and SKINKS!! .. Then you litterally have a brickwall army, perfect against brets and skaven. Just play some msu...
I've run this list against Brets. Got a massacre, having more than 2000 vp more than my opponent. Here it goes: 3500 Lizardmen list Slann, BSB,...
Just take a cheap Slann? Slann, BSB, +1 powerdice and go! Add in Plaque of Tepok and you end around 315 points. Plus you will get a unit of 16...
Hey Guys I'm just posting my 3500 army list: Slann, BSB, The Focused Rumination, Dispel Scroll, Plaque of Tepok, Totem of Prophecy Slann, The...
But!? The Steg is will never gain Look Out Sir, and will always be large, so it can always be targed by cannons, unit or not. So you're not really...
Forgot that they are Immune to psychology, but fear can be good against other opponents.. As I said, I wasn't playing TK with these Slaans. And...
Have no idea on how to play TK, only played against them once, and beat them badly because my skaven gutter/night runner team took out the...
Ah okay. Darn. I wasn't sure since english isn't my primary language, so wasn't completely sure if it meant only one or if you could just pick any...
Can Tetto'ekos IF-ability be used every turn or just once? (can't remember the name, but it's the one which makes all lore of heaven spells IF on...
Nope, no spears at all. I just don't feel like taking them .. Yeah, an extra skink screen would be nice, but then, what to toss out?
It's a model of the Pope in Rome riding around his own heavy armed Ferrari :pigeon: :D Question: How do you put in the name of the guys that...