Skaven only have access to their 2 unique magic lists.
For anyone with a huge excess of extra time, or for rules lawyers that want to Ctrl+F specific questions, here's a FAQ compilation of all the...
First I must apologize for giving mixed messages. All of the Ys mentioned to counter Lizardmen tactics CAN be put into one list and in 6th ed. I...
Last but not least, here's a link to the 7th ed. army I'm currently building up to: This is...
20 Questions: 1) See above. 2) Again, I don't underestimate Saurus. They rip Skaven to shreds. Therefore, if I haven't decimated them with...
Double checked the rule wording for Blade of Realities. You guys win, that item will destroy the bell instantly. Would be a mean trick to play...
The reason why I prioritize many units with shooting is because of all the different shooting available to me. I'll toss out there just in case...
Oh man spoken like a true vet, we're really getting on the right track now. I personally don't run Plague furnaces for this exact reason. It's...
Ya he counts as a large target so will have LoS over the unit that charges him. warp Lightning is the only magic missile and that has been...
As I stated above, the Screaming Bell is nothing. Not a War Machine, not a Chariot, it is very frustrating and the source of much debate amongst...
Sigh... It feels against my insticts to reveal this, but here goes: Best way to deal with the Screaming Bell is to charge it head on with COR...
Please feel free to ask about rules clarifications, but I'm going to make one request (more of a demand really). Do not attempt to argue against...
MSU tactics stands for Multiple Small Units. In regards to Saurus it would be similar to taking 2 units of 10 Saurus 5x2 instead of taking 1...
If the Doomwheel flies off the board, it is placed on the board edge on the Skaven Player's next turn. It does not get to make a movement roll,...
Don't expect less units on the table. Although Characters did get a little more expensive, Clanrats magically got cheaper, costing only 4.5...
Some really good ideas so far. I'm not exactly sure how Salamanders work, but it doesn't sound like they have the range to be worth their points....
4th template I was referring to was the Fallen Giant Template. All of these Templates have the word "Template" in its description. - - - I just...
In regards to Crack's Call: A cannon is a war machine. War machines need line of sight, and Look Out, Sir! specifically says it will protect you...
Nothing is off topic! I've been working night shift and the forums on the Under Empire don't update fast enough to hold my attention. I'm really...
Maybe this post should be relocated to a Tactics forum or something... I would love to bounce ideas off you guys to help fine tune both of our...