having played HE almost exclusively i can say that lizardmen as scary. Terradons can drop rocks on our swordmasters, we cannot get guaranteed...
went against ld bomb daemons last night, it was a rough game. Worst part was my saurus fleeing because my skirmishers fled through them, and...
ahh yes thats right. knew i hadnt done it in a while for a reason.... :oops:
ahh that makes much more sense now lol. My best bet is to run skinks skirmishers (i did it last game to moderate success) or terradons behind...
Oldblood on Carnosaur, Maiming Shield, Blade of Revered Tzunki LA, 460 I decided to try something new, i have been using the 8 attack oldblood...
I think it may just be that your list will not beat his, or most other heavily armored opponents, you dont have the ranks to stop a cav charge,...
^^ Yeah thats why it is so mean But it only uses your base stats, any equipment (mundane or magical) or other special rules (scaly...
unfortunately you cant do that because he will have VHS which means that he will challenge you and then you switch stats so you become only s4...
I had the unfortunate experience that my second game with lizardmen was against a popmobile. he can cast two lvl 3 bounds per turn, in addition...
Skirmishers can block los...
To start i am just starting lizardmen but i can respond from a high elf perspective (minus high magic of course) Ok that is my list against...
thanks a lot, now i just have to learn how to play with them lol
Thanks for your help I wanted to upgrade my saurus cav to being a real threat instead of a nuisance so here is my new list Hero: Oldblood...
Out of curiosity what is the advantage of an extra terradon, I was going to use them like i would a great eagle, march blocking and taking out...
Oldblood Maiming shield, scimitar of the sun, LA Carnosaur 445 Saurus SkarVet, Burning Blade of Chotek, LA, Shield Cold One, BSB 158 Skink...
Hello everyone I have recently started collecting lizardmen. I have played HE before so i am not new to them but definitely new to lizards!