skink chieflight aromr shield starff of somthing (short bow 3 shots at ST 5)and somthing else that gives him dobble wounds on 1 hero 138 16...
2 regerments of 16 warrious full co 20 temple gard full co stegdon 24 skermisher skinks skink prist skink cheif sares scar vetren i will be...
to menny hearos
2 regerments of 16 warrious full co 20 temple gard full co stegdon 24 skermisher skinks skink prist skink cheif sares scar vetren and i will...
could you give me some good 750p army lists
so take out the warrior and putr in loads of skinks
500p at warhammer would need soumthing that will chrush orks and goblins and dark elves i was thinking .... skink chief 16xsaurus wrriors full co...
skink chief 55 Stegadon 235 21 skinks 105 21 skermisher skinks 105 500p
skink prist 390 L2 Engine of the Gods 20 Saurus Warriors 270 spears full comand 20 Saurus Warriors 270 spears full comand 10...
skink prist 100p L2 19 saurus warriors 258p spears full comand 14 Skinks 70p 10 Skink Skirmishers...
1Q can you have more than 1 despell scroll? 2Q can you have more than 1 magic item per moddle 3Q can you have more than magic iteem on sevrel moddles
why so menny heroes ?
skink priest 390 L2 engine of the gods 16 saurus warriors 222 full comand 16 saurus warriors 222 full comand 11skink skermshers 77 12 skink...
skink priest 390 L2 engine of the gods 16 saurus warriors 222 full comand 16 saurus warriors...
just woundring how do i beat warriors of chaos?with lizzardmen