Hmm.... paying attention to rules fail. Ok so I take that chief out and I have xxx points left over. I could add 20 more skirmishers, or if I...
Wait wait wait wait wait..... How do you have no ACL? I injured mine in the army, and now the ACL in my left knee is about twice as long as it...
Ok, so I like the skink model and dislike the saurus model so here's the plan: I want to make an army of all skinks but I really want a carn so...
If you're craft with green stuff you could always make cool flying skinks and proxy them as terradon riders......
I'm concerned about your lack of command. Your CoC won't ever win any combat unless they get the flank. If they charge the front of a unit... This is a skink prototype.
Wait... monsters can join units? I thought that monsters couldn't join infantry...
Cool beans. I am going to get another box of skinks this week and I'll start toying around making TG out of them. I only need 6 out of the 24 to...
Like I saidbe ready to be out flanked and wiped out by superior numbers of infantry. You're only real hope I think is march blockers and...
And I stand corrected.
This may be a lame question but... you primed it right? Some of the grey areas look like they could be bare plastic and the base doesn't look...
I hate when they do that. I've played people that even say out right they are guessing for the unit behind the screen and it really annoys me....
I HATE the TG models. I think they are super lame, I hate them with the fury of 1000 suns. So. I am toying with the idea of converting skinks...
I wish they had units of skinks on cold ones. That would be really cool. I was thinking about making a unit of skink cavalry and using them in...
Unless your good with modeling puddy you can't really make the models themselves look aggresing, you could save all the skull and head bits from...
I'm not sure but given how you worded it it sounds like you want your chief BSB to have the spear? You can't do that. BSBs can only take magical...
Hello. How many lizards do you have?
Terror tests all round! I agree with you. At 2k a slann and two EotG is a little cheesy, but at 3k I think it's acceptable. Even with a super...
Ya for WoC I'd take salamanders over razordons because of the armor issue.
I was digging through a bin of old bits and models and I found a bag of the large flier bases and I am thinking about using that as a base of the...