one big thing is that if the BSB ever flees combat he is instantly dead therefore making your Slann the BSB is a big liability.
your best bet is to get off either biron's time warp or speed of light (both are spells from lore of light) Birona's Time Warp-Asf, +1 Att, and...
what would be a good colour to compliment grey on lizard men? just looking for some opinions before i buy more paints.
i was told about this video called earthling, i watched the trailer and its the most messed up and bloody thing ever, only it actually what humans...
it was some sort of vamp on a flying mount that counts as a regular mount, and he had some flaming lance, he charged me in the flank and attacked...
the extra spell only costs 15 pts, and the flying priest is great, its as if ur slann is everywhere he wants to be, basicly gives u a 48 inch...
i can see where u r coming from with this, however the skink priest is only in the army untill i get my next unit of skinks(getting 24 form a...
Yes the bane head works like this: nominate one enemy character, all unsaved wounds caused by ur hero to that character are doubled.(thats not the...
as long time lizzies player (about 4 years) i would say the folowing Slann:looks good, might wanna give him a bane head so that u can cause...
Hey guys, i had a another big stroke of luck today, i played a 2,500 point game against daemons, at very begining two of his big blocks were...
Has anyone used a cheap way of making some terredons, i dont really wanna pay 30 bucks for a model that i dont really like all that much? is there...
ok here are some new pics i added some metal, i added the big top piece banner thingy, and i also painted the critters yellow. [attach] [attach]...
I played 1000 point a game against the new beastmen it went sort of like this She had 2 chariots a unit of gors with hero a unit of bestigors...
Alright im not sure if this is highly comp or not, but i hoping i get enough responses to find out. Here Goes; Slann Mystery Rumination BSB...
ya i know, its a huge rip off, i actually used non gw paints on this model, but they had no metallics so thats y i gotta use the metallics at gw.
ya i totally agree with what u guys have said about taking time and using a wide range of paints, and although im too poor (im 15 and i still dont...
i have ran a slann twice so far and every time against VC no matter what i try to do they get around and slam in the back and kill the tg and run...
thnx for all the replies, yes i will pick out his bling when i buy some metallics(i ran out painting lotr stuff) also the skink is a work in...
here are some pics of my finished slann tell me what u think im open to criticism [attach] [attach] [attach]
i have no idea how to post pics, could someone possibly help me or guide me to a thread that explains how to post pics? thnx in advance PS: the...