So, here's a list to play against Ogres, I've never played against them before, but my opponent just started his army (like me) and it's a...
You can't keep everything alive, at some point everything will be exposed if you want to use them aggressively (= anything besides hiding for the...
Heya :) There's always gona be "some" weakness and when u ask others, they will always answer based on experience so it's kinda impossible to get...
Don't you have to have US5 or more to march block?
Used a no-magic list in a no-magic game at 2000pts vs Warriors of Chaos, with the Skink Chief on Terradon with Staff of the Lost Sun, Spear,...
Ok, thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. So here is an alternative I can think of, 1995pts, I won't post the army again, it's exactly the same...
Thanks both of u for the awesome answers :) @ Sebulba : *I saw the Sword of the Hornet, and the only reason I didnt take it was because I'd...
Heya, posting this list just for fun mainly, I'll probably get the usual "replace that unit with the other, they're useless" but I love the models...
4x2 Cold One Riders is completely useless, 7th edition encourages 5-6 models for cavalry units, unless you're going for a 2nd rank but you could...
Hey Calum, welcome to the Scaly Side (sorry it was the only way to make a Star Wars reference). Well, in the case that you're new to the GW...
the ASF sword can be a good alternative, my favourite option if you're giving anything would be the Venom of the Firefly Frog. 3A, Magical +...
Hey mate, I'm a novice with Lizardmen as well, and from the few games and bit of trolling I've done on this forum, I have to agree with the...
I perfectly understand the 6-models rank theory, but the flaw of it is the corners : you will only fight with BOTH corners (6 warriors in total)...
I'm pretty sure Skirmishers receive the bonus (+1 or +2) for flank and rear charges as long as they have US5, they just don't get bonus for their...
Ok, so, I fiddled around a bit, and came down to this list: Lords & Heroes Saurus Oldblood [General], Cold One, Blade of Realities, Enchanted...
Thanks for your answers, I've got some comments and questions: 1) A Hydra has leadership 6 (unmodified Leadership which is what the Blade tests...
Hey guys, I decided to offer myself a new army for Xmas, I'm new to Lizardmen and this forum, im a quite experienced Dark Elf player so I know the...