to be honest im not a beginner but im not pro im somwhere in the middle so hopefully i caould give black a go but yh when i get mi skninks ill try...
lol tyvm
i thnk thats abit annoying its the same with alot of sets that you dont get anough of 1 but get more than anough for he other
cherrs guy thanks for all the help calum
hey guys i had a flick through the lizzie army boo and noticed a couple of awesome coour schemes mainly dark colours highlighted with the colour...
well reading this i will look forward to playing my friends empire assisted with lore of heavens lvl 2 skink priest and leval 4 lore or metal...
Hey guys after spending a while making a list i posted it on this very site after about a day or so people sugested different things i could add,...
nice! thanks for the help it looks like blowpipes for the moment but am still wondering about javilins but i guess the 2 poisen shots will churn...
i played lizardmen with mywood elves i deployed a unit of eternal guard as a block and marched them down the flank, unfortunatly i really...
do u get 20 blowpipes in the battalion than or just 12
ive heard rumors too and sure ill sign it after all the models that command the hellcannon are chaos dwarfs and they look grate also people think...
KK thanks hopefully it is the riders leadership as the 3 leadership of the cold one would need snake eyes and little more. Thank the lord for the...
Hey guys,so,i was wondering abaout the options available for the 12 skink skirmishers in my army. Ino that blowpipes get 2 shot but do not know...
hey guys for a couple of days now ive been wondering... When a cold one take its stupidity test do use the cold ones leadership or the riders...
sorry the priest is 100 points because its leval two Calum
Hey this is my firstt ever army for lizardmen enjoy! Lords: Old blood Additional hand weapon, shield, upgraded cold one (no stupidity rule) and...
thanks guys great help i will get the battalion and maby another sarus set and of course the codex thanks once again Calum
Hi guys, i have aventually chosen a warhammer fantasy side ( lizardmen of course :D ) and am currently thinking of a 1000pt army but have no idea...