I saw the changes too and it will reshape our army lists for sure. Looks like Thunderlizard might be our best choice of the sub factions to choose...
Figured how to get those pics from my phone to my computer at home with my battle with OBR. My tournament is this Saturday the 4th. I'll try to...
I only teleport him if I can see he's in imminent danger, otherwise the force that comes with him should be enough to hold or expand from where he...
How did those HIP sheets work out for you, do you have any pics of the process or end results?
Did you have to use the Godbeast Pendant at all during any of those battles. I won my game against the OBR by 1 point, I took some pics but...
I think I would drop the cogs if your slann is going mobile (sounds like an old "The Who" song). Prismatic Paliside might be worth it if you know...
I see, then I would definitely use two bastiladon's. Good luck and post your results, you got me interested in your list and who you will be facing.
That does look brutal Jason, do you have a lot of players who play chaos armies in your Meta? When is your tournament? My tournament is on...
I was thinking of that too, but I was also thinking that the Guard should do their job and protect the Slann therefore I would not need the...
Sounds good Jason, what do you think of my list above? I've never played DT because of it's powerful abilities and I didn't want people to not...
Hey Jason839 how did your DT list do in your local game tournament. I know it's only been a couple of days since OCT ended, maybe you haven't had...
Thanks for your input, My thinking was that the EoTG should be protected as best you can as it is the only unit that has a chance with the right...
So, your making your army and your playing Thunderlizard. Do you put your Amulet of Destiny (5+ Ward) on your Skink Chief on Stegedon (Skink Chad)...
Oh that's awesome, I was looking for something on that and could not find it. I knew someone would know here. Thank you.
Looking at the rules for the realm of Ghur it looks like we are limited in how many Behemoths we can take for a 2k army is 0-4. I was thinking of...
We know the profile of the Salamander Hunting pack has a wound characteristic of 1 on the warscroll. We know the whole unit has six wounds in...
I would replace the Oldblood for a Bastiladon with solar engine and have the priest buff the Bastiladon and take a Heal prayer to heal it. my list...
Good luck in your tournament. I'd like to see your Thunderlizard list (I would suggest putting in at least One Bastiladon w/solar engine to use...
Your battles are probably over by now but I would, change out the Skink Oracle on Trog for a Engine of the Gods. Now that it has the "Priest"...
I'm glad it's working out well for you, Whatever works, go with it. I'll be playing against Gravelord's tomorrow evening with my 1k list from...