Hey all, i enjoy a nice sized magic phase in all my armies normally so where better to start than a slann, just wondering on how you more...
Thanks for reply, theres always plenty terrain so hiding wont be a problem. I realise Oxyotl is quite expensive for what he can probably do but i...
Hey all, myself and a friend have decided to swap armies for a couple games, were proxying so we can use what we want if we dont have it. Without...
Hi all, selling my large O&G army iv had for ages, starting bid very cheap compared to overall price paid for them, great bargin to be had, dont...
Correct me if im wrong but your points for skink on EoTG is wrong. It should be 405 by my count i dont have my book with me and havnt collected...
Well the obvious plan would be to take out flyers/ranged units first with all magic and shooting then the characters are free to move and hide as...
Hi all, Iv recently started lizardmen with a mate of mine, so were kind of in the list building stage but have come up with three pretty liked...