My List Slann Focused Rumination Becalming Cogitation Focus of Mystery Bane Head Rod of Storm BSB Scar Vetran Light Armor Enchanted Shield...
The problem with a champ is that lone characters can challenge the champ, kill it and avoid any retaliation by the spears. Generally speaking a...
Skink Chief -Stegadon -Warspear 2D6+1 Str 5 impact hits? i love it Invest in an anchient steg and you will love the fact that it is 2d6+1 str 6...
When you consider the CR of 16 TG with a Standard and a Slann with a BSB, possiblally a Battle standard as well you need to concentrate on static...
Give the Slann a bane head. Give the EOTG priest a plaque of tepok over a rod of storm Give the scar vet a nice unit of Cold ones to run with....
Yea this should totally be in the tactics section at this point. Spacelizard you are slightly misinterpreting my poor graphic. If the Cold ones...
Man i wish I could draw angles to show you what I mean. Look at this formation BBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBBB...
Here is what I think will work. I decided to kill a Salamander, get and echanted shield on my Cold one Scar vet and Cupped hands on my Slann....
Yes we mean diffrent things. Redirection (my meaning) is angling a unit so that an enemy charging it will expose it's flanks to a counter charge...
Umm, Skirmishers cannot redirect. Redirection is vital to slowing down a cav list.
Ok I think I have a list I really really like for a tournament comming up next weekend. Problem is, it's 10pts over! Slann Focused Rumination...
Thanks Guys. I will give BBoC + shield of maiming a try. What would be your opinions of putting the enchanted shield on the Jag vet? It's better...
Thanks for the advice. I was sure plaque was an enchanted item. Phirana blade is just as good as a burning blade against regen creatures....
Would love any feed back. Slann Focus of Mystery Focused Rumination Becalming Cog Cupped hands Bane Head BSB Priest Level 2 Plaque of Tepok Rod...