I think this a good idea for me, I'm way behind where I think I should be regarding my fully-converted WOC army; pretty much everything's...
Yup, perfectly legal. Good luck in the tournament!
So from my understanding, this whole debate is because of this FAQ: Q: Some special rules, magic items etc. have an effect at the beginning of...
@Gor-Rok: Just curious, but what exactly do you mean by "immunity"? Do you mean the Skrox unit would be completely unaffected by those KB shooting...
Glad to see I'm getting such positive feedback! And AllSeeingSkink, you win first prize in that guessing game, those are exactly what I used. As...
After months of procrastination, here are some shots of my conversion: [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] The pictures came out a bit...
I would probably have to say that my favorite miniature I've done is my Nakai the Wanderer conversion that I made way back in November, but never...
This isn't a battle report per say, just a retelling of something awesome that happened in a game against Orcs on Saturday. It was turn 4 and the...
Skinks are actually not Aquatic anymore; as per the FAQ, skinks REPLACE the Aquatic special rule with the Marsh/River/Lake Strider special rules.
In the new book, all animated constructs have a 5+ armor save, including the two sphynxes; thanks to this, with the help of skink shooting those...
My local hobby manager got the book, and I've had a pretty thorough look through it, so feel free to ask questions, I'll try my best to answer...
Also, I think it's worth mentioning that Invocation of Nehek goes off on a 4+, not a 3+. Not much of a difference, but you never know.
Why 24 poisoned shots? With 10 you'll only get 20 shots tops.
IMO Nakai would be more like a lord level character, and a powerful one at that, since he is THE FIRST kroxigor. Plus, fluff-wise, he...
Nope, because ward saves don't combine.
Drop the glyph necklace on your slann, he doesn't need it since he already has a 4+ ward save.
OK, thanks for clearing that up.
Plastic Bone Giant. 'Nuff said.
So, as I've been browsing the forums, it seems that the general consensus regarding Teclis and his irresistible force on any doubles ability is...
Drop Chakax; I'm sorry, but he's terrible. Although he was WAY better in 7th edition, 8th edition screwed him over, and only because of 1 rule...