First looks on the list, looks good. I'm curious as to why you have your Scar-vet's on Cold One's? If you ended up against someone like Tomb...
At first glance, list seems pretty good. My only thoughts are as such: You have a Scar vet in the Temple guard to accept challenges for your...
GW might be one option, but have you tried your local gaming stores? If they don't have a Fantasy group in the works, then they should be at...
Normally one of my Slann would be the BSB, but due to the points and percentages, they have to almost be bare bones. I think I have 5 points to...
Howdy! I had a good friend challenge me to put together a simple 3k list, and this is what I came up with. Slann (General) Loremaster - Life,...
First off, sorry if this has been discussed before but I haven't seen much discussion. I was having a bit of a chat with my friend today, and the...
Hey, Just a quick update about my game. I lost... and... lost badly. I had been tabled by the end of turn 6, while I had only managed to kill...
After a bit of consideration I have opted to take out my EoTG Skink priest and instead invest those points into 10 CoR. Which have a Champ and a...
Hey all, was hoping for a bit of feedback regarding an up and coming match. My list is as follows Slann Focus Mystery (Light), Rumination,...
If I can offer an opinion, one of my regular opponents is Wood Elves. Since you're not sure what he's going to bring, I would suggest a couple...
Hey mate, Sounds like your friend is going for that nasty old Dwarf Gunline. Which is quite frankly never really that fun to play against....
I have to (respectfully) disagree with your comment regarding skrox We can do a quick list of pros and cons with Skrox units. High movement -...
I wish, I really do like EoTG, but they're just so expensive with the new percentage rules. I'm kinda heavily favoring putting in a regular...
Hey, I've only been playing Lizardmen for a while, but I'm really starting to love them in the new 8th edition. I came up with a list just the...
Hail servants of the Old Ones, I'm new to the realm of Fantasy, being a bit of a 40k nut, and after much coaxing from my fellow 40k players,...