W Worry not, you'll get a lot more lizards in upcoming chapters!
Things are finally moving on the Coldhide-Pahuax Front, and both Stefan and Torfi/Njal find quite the notable hurdles along their respective...
Robber Killer, Killer Robber - Part V: Sound the Alarm ‘As the Lady Myrmidia did lie dying, poisoned by the lover’s lies, she ordered a most...
Hi everyone, I'm currently writing a story (more specifically, an arc for Herald of the Old Ones) in which a force of Druchii pirates and the...
Since this story's hiatus started, my love for drawing heraldry has only increased, so expect images like the one I drew for the Cast Away Inn to...
“I once made a study of ley lines and their interaction with Ulthuan’s statues and circles. This place felt similar. The pillars, enormous gilded...
Robber Killer, Killer Robber - Part III: Blood on the Rocks “It took not long to notice, they would never make an attempt to hide them. Wherever...
There's no world in which I'm going to complain about how fast you are reading my story lol
Hey everyone! Lont time no see! I have great news! The Herald of the Old Ones hiatus ends on the 13th, next month! This means that you have...
Oh hey! Can't believe I missed this, I was literally just logging in to share the news that the story is just about to end its hiatus perioid....
Thank you!
Apologies for taking so long to actually post the link to this, life was very busy this week! BUT! I'm happy to say that with the Coda &...
Just want to say how grateful I am that a thread like this exists, it makes the drafting of my Lustria-centric projects so much easier!
And here's the second addendum and penultimate section to the Lustrian Bestiary! Addendum II: On Some Beasts of Note Found in the Southlands and...
Here is the first addendum to my Lustrian Bestiary! Addendum I: On the Beasts of the Jungle Swarms Warning, this one is full of exactly the...
Apologies for the long silence! Since my last post, two new Bestiary Tomes have been added! - Tome VIII: Lesser Predators of Lustria - Tome VIV:...
Here's the link to "Tome VII: Grand Cold-Blooded Herbivores of Lustria", this tome is probably going to be a fave for most of you, as it holds...
Here's the link to "Tome VI: Warm-Blooded Herbivores of Lustria", this tome is quite short, but does have the dubious honor of holding some canon...
The plotlines of this art begin to unfold, what do you think they will lead our cast to? Now, for the important announcement. As many of you may...