Just finished up for the night and thought to post a picture of how my guys are looking! Hope y’all like em’ ☺️
So I’m now playing my buddy’s Slaves to Darkness and I actually can see this list working. What would be priority though, as I’ve accumulated...
How's it going! I just wanted to see if you would still run a similar list? The tournament was actually pushed back till winter break so I've had...
I understand your point on the raw stats of the riders but depending on the subfaction you're running and the various wizard/priest combinations...
Absolutely. As much as many people are saying the Solar Engine is viable (which we know it is, it just increased 15 points), I think there is...
Well, it depends how you measure buffing the Terradon/Ripperdactyl riders. Respectfully, I think they aren't as bad as you might think for a total...
Agreed, I think in a Fangs of Sotek list with reinforced Skink battleline, you can now make a cost-efficient list with Terradon/Ripperdactyl...
Thanks so much! Been spending a lot of time on getting my painting done for our upcoming tournament my friends and I are holding!
And to follow up from my last post, I just finished the Skink Priest and now I’ve got all my Skink heroes painted! (Skink Starseer, Skink...
I’m actually pretty proud of how this little guy came out! Still learning every day but really making use of the color selection I’ve been...
Reading through this, I'll be playing these lists precisely... fortunately it won't be Sylvaneth. My first battles are against Tzeentch and...
Gotcha. I figure he will play with Dirthu and Kurnoths, however I think his goal will eventually be to move Dirthu into the Awakened Wyldwood at a...
I'm currently in the midst of building 30 skinks!
Gotcha, I actually didn't know he isn't able to -- its still 1000 points. All his units/terrain I'm aware of are: - Alarielle the Everchosen -...
As the date gets closer, I actually picked up the Realmshaper Engine in addition to the list! I have a question or two given my matchup vs....
Apologies as I'm rather new to the forum itself. I'll be sure to post an update for when the Slann Starmaster and his chair are fully painted!
Thought I’d share my progress on my Slann Starmaster with everyone! I’m not the best at painting but I did have fun with this scheme....[ATTACH]...
Hey! I'm not actually sure surrounding the proxy with the Saurus Guard, but I can certainly check and get back to you on that. This is looking...
Sure thing. Would you recommend any other constellation? I read them but seeing which one would be best to go against...
As someone whose played against casters a lot recently, that's good to know. I'm waiting on the slann to arrive in the mail actually - mainly...