The best thing to do with a unit too tough to kill is avoid it. Seriously, get what VP you can and deny him all the VP you can manage. Feed it...
They are finding more and more dinosaur fossils with that sort of 'hair-like' feather. It seems to be fairly common on the smaller therapod...
Odd. I've had a batch for years now, that I've been nibbling away at bit by bit and it still is perfectly useable. Of course, I splurged and got...
It has a shooting attack that it can use in close combat much like the Banshee's. So a single model within range is probably going to die fairly...
Don't bother using Terradons to march block Dwarves. 1) March blocking only works if the Dwarves fail a Ld test. Dwaves are Ld 9 BASE. 2)...
Why would you want the Salamader to be changed to a Breath Weapon? If I'm not mistake, Razordons and Salamanders can 'shoot' multiple times a...
That was exactly what I was thinking. I recently heard about the possibilities of converting Lizzie Cold Ones into Salamanders and Razordons....
The trick to this type of thing is to run him in alone, so that there is nothing else for the other guys to attack. They must direct everything at...
I've been idly considering getting a Lizzie army for some time now, and recently I was lucky enough to get a box packed full of Sauruses and...
Yeah, getting big metal minis to stand still can be a real pain. I remember trying to base my DE manticore - it's balanced on two very small...
I wasn't overly fond of the short neck myself. But with the wings it looks totally awesome! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the...