Spirit of the Forge, has NEVER failed me yet.. i think im up to about 35 dead Chaos Knights thanks to it.
Thanks for all the great advice, i appreciate it. I do mean to have the Skink priest as a level two wizard, I just calculated the saurus points...
Thanks guys, what do you think about my super-saiyan scar vet? 7 strength 7 tough 7 attacks all game seems incredible to me, also lore of the...
I edited it to be legal.
The bane of Dark Elves list? Slann Mage - Priest. Lore of the beasts. BSB, Cogitation, Ethereal, Mystery, Rumination. Cupped Hand of the Old...
It sounds very very tempting to me, but im still in that stage where i need my Slann to survive, that is really awesome though, any time you kill...
Chaos, Skaven, and empire please. :rolleyes:
What armies would you guys consider to be "easy" and "hard" to defeat for Lizardmen, in general?
Ok thanks, that makes me feel better. By the way, i like your name Walach, good to see fellow Vampires around. :D
Ok so I was discussing Warhammer with my friend who plays Warriors of Chaos, I was telling him all of the cool things about a Slann mage in some...
Re: How to deal with Dark Elves, and Beastmen? Well im asking for help not for certain reasons, just because ive never fought them before, also i...
Any tips on how to defeat either of the above? (DE and BM). Anything in general will work, im extremely new to Lizardmen. Thanks.
Well the Marauders charge me, i stand and shot them to death, the 8 warriors was in one turn of lucky rolling, than Kholek was targeted by rule of...
So for my first game ever against Warriors of Chaos, i took 12 Chameleons Skinks, and they ended up killing 6 marauder horsemen, 8 Warriors with...
I play High Elves, Vampire Counts, and now Lizardmen, and with every army against warriors of chaos i use spirit of the forge, it literally kills...
2500 points, i may be a little bit over, ill try to some points out. Slann Mage-Priest. Lore of Metal. 4 Disciplines: Healing (hell cannon),...