Can some one giveme a help ? is that a good army ? Or Its better i go with a lord named ?
Re: I like have some sugestions for a army 2000 1 Slann Mage-Priest @ 475.0 Pts General; 2 Discipline; Magic Level 4; Battle Standard #...
We will have the last contest in 7th, and will came for it player from 4 states and have 32 armys, in 2 days . We can use one named character. I...
Can a magic resistance of the slann hold a spell with Irresistible force?
the combo is that I will dont get mistcast ans all spells are iresistible ! is not a god idea ! and the EoTG acn change at start of all magic...
Hi what about get a Slann using Heavens , 2 priest with EoTG and Tetto`Eko ? You will start with at liast 2 comet and at cats less 2 ? It...