Is it okay to upload parts of an out of date armybook like the one mentioned above? I have the book and could easily make a PDF of the Southlands...
So I received as a gift this year a Death World Basing Kit. Except for a rather pointless packet of gravel, overall the stuff inside is very nice:...
So I'm going up against Orcs and Goblins. I know that there will be an Arachnarok Spider and probably a Goblin Doom Diver (is the Doom Diver...
So how do Lizardmen best deal with an Arachnarok Spider? I'm coming up against one in my next game (1500 points) and the best thing I have been...
Next list I build will definitely have a Scar-Vet or Stegadon (thats going to be a Death Lore Slann list) but I can't seem to find the points...
A thought occurs, Salamanders ranged attack...what type is it? I can't find a specific designation in the Armybook although the FAQ states it is...
Thanks for all the replies people... The guys I will be playing against are friends but we don't bother with the usual conventions of "friendly...
Haven't gotten around to posting anything in quite some time but heres a list I am considering for an upcoming game against Skaven and DE. At...
Thanks for the help. Using Cavalry bases occured to me too but I am doing this for several units of skinks; so the bases would have been too wide.
I am wondering if anyone has any ideas about how to connect the bases of models permanently together in rows. I have seen a few people who have...
So in 8th are they changing the way armies are constructed?
Take a look at the Lustrian Themed Armies link in the top post of this thread. Even if you can't get the exact models anymore it has some great...
Well if you are keen on playing a monster army, I'll just offer a few suggestions. 1) Enemy war machines will rip through monsters in no time....
Anyone have any advice on taking out Chaos Knights? Hard hitting, fast moving and tough to kill.
I am unclear. This model is shown in the Lustria campaign book, but I have never seen one either on Games Workshop's website or at any local...
All right, I pledge to paint my Scar Veteran Battle Standard Bearer and Oldblood on Carnosaur.
Rather than Hide of the Cold One for your Scar Veteran I would just get a Cold One Mount. It costs less points, allows greater move distance,...
Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe I will do two games to fit those in.
In the past I have tried to avoid Frenzied units for fear of them charging out of my control. I want an extra attack on my Scar Vet for a small...
Not possible. The reason is that a character who carries a Battle Standard and uses a Magic Banner CANNOT have other magic items. See bottom of...