i need help i dont get hove i do too poste images. could someone help thanks
have anyone made a thunder lizard. i have planns on doing one. any pictures will be aprichated
i have a problem with skink priests. they have a thend too die fast and are weak wizards. could someone tell me wath have too do to make them...
could someone explaine houv the salamanders breath attack works and also tell me the strengt and armor percing of it
okay could someone send me a list of the magic items in the book
hello i lost my book coud someone send me a didital copy thanks
think that those steeds that the seekers of slaanesh could be used to make tichi huichis cold ones i think they are more too skinki please tell me...
i have an old blood here desined for troop killing old blood carnosaur light armour sword of might maiming shield carnosaur pendant glyph...
hello im a new lizzie player and i need to now witch stegadon is best against skaven and tomb kings against skaven im positiv the acient will be...
you could use pins too stik him to the base. i used green stuff to make him balansed
sounds like a nasty trick but make shure that the rules apply in the new book or you might end with disaster
hello im planning to by a stegadon but i dont now witch one to build. coud someone help me?
hello im new to warhammer and i need som advise to fight thes armies: vampire counts tomb kings skaven
hello im new to the game and i have an idea of an army list: Army list Hero Gor-rok...
i like the idea but how are you gonna give the lizards shark karakter