I think we've gone majorly off at a tangent here. I was talking in general about "daft" armies (local groups term) that basically consist of one...
From a narrative perspective I completely agree that they're great fun to play with, being able to have Skarbrand and his entourage wreaking havoc...
Thanks! Easiest way to see the things I've done is have a quick look at my Twitter account as I tend to post most of my projects up on there. I...
Completely agree with this. Pre-battle discussion normally has a tentative "so, do you want to play with terrain rules? no problems if you do".
Not thought about the second artefact yet. My leaning was Fangs - however absolutely nothing is set in stone yet and one of the appeals of...
One rumour is that the next GHb will stay in Ghur but move to a different region - no idea if this holds water . I do think that Incarnates may...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the new battletome give them a bit of a boost. I've always favoured a Dreadscythe Harridan list, so with luck...
Thanks for that! I'd not thought about dropping some skinks - like you say it certainly opens up some more options. I'd largely steered away...
Makes sense! Would agree too that Core, Special & Rare are pretty generic and vague terms too ;) I do know that one of the things GW...
Heyho! Thought it made sense to kick off a discussion on what I'm thinking for what I'm calling my "event army" - so basically an army I can...
I've always liked this kind thematic structure in games. The biggest issue with AoS is that as soon as you add any form of list building mechanic...
Very kind of you to say so! Glad you've enjoyed the warscroll designer! One day (if real life ever eases up!) I plan to upgrade it to one of the...
Thanks! I may well take you folks up on that
Well it appears after much contemplation that I'm going to dip my toe into the spawning pool Introductions first I guess! I've been "in the...