Hmmm, so it might be even after Beasts of Chaos get a new one :rolleyes:
I still haven't played with my Seraphon yet, but I've played against them... and against current Stormcast several times, and they are indeed a...
Belakor is certainly a pain but he can only shut down 1 unit in 1 turn of a game. Seems like Kroak and a Slann should be able to outmagic the...
I see many tomes are getting new versions for AoS3.0. Does anyone think Seraphon are due for an update soon? I haven't actually bought the...
I got my first Slann today (the super old one on the palanquin) and 3 baggies full of really old plastic Skinks. I think I can get at least 3 or...
Thank you so much! This is very very helpful. Love the idea of a whole bunch of magic space-frogs, but I do like a fully functional army as...
Been eyeballing some really old metal Slann Mage Priests at my FLGS....would an army of 3 of them, plus Lord Kroak, be a viable start to a...