Have to remember a lot of folks who play fantasy, play 40k, and well 6th ed 40k is starting to drop. Last thing I heard was that Germany has the...
Yep, if you have the skinks with bows, folks will treat them like pipes, since bows are not an option. It shouldn't be a problem using them in a...
A few things that might help to know: How are the skinks armed, are some with shield/javelin are they with blowpipes (or eve old bows)? How are...
I really don't understand where folks get the impression that combatants who both have ASF cancel each other out, as its explicitly in the book...
pg 66 under Always Strikes First "If the model with the rule is fighting an enemy with the same ability, the Attacks are made simultaneously, and...
But with Huachi's you add a d6 flat, so with the Cold One Cav, on a charge you would get 7" + 3d6 drop lowest (swiftstride) + d6 (Huachi's) -M
Pg 66 in the BRB states that if an "always strikes last" model is fighting an enemy with the "always strikes last" ability, the attacks are...