but there has got to be room for some of the cobra things in a conversion in lizardmen im sure.
I bought a box of skinks and every 1 is different so i could trial schemes and techniques until i found 1 i liked. Bear in mind that you could...
What do you guys use for command? You get a brave on each sprue but what about musicians and standards? In skirmish units its not a problem but im...
if you look though there is 1 brave head in each sprue of bodies (its the 1 with the metal tip on its crest) so the idea is that you can make 20...
hey, im in a similar position to you and have only just joined too.
Sorry to be a pain but just thought of something else... what do you guys do for standards and musicians in skink regiments??
I am new to warhammer, i am predominantly a 40k player but with the release of 8th ed my LGC are looking at fantasy now. I have been looking for...
Hey everybody. I am new to warhammer and lizardmen, I am predominantly a 40k player with roughly 5k points of Orks and 5k of my beloved Necrons...
I have been toying with the idea of a Chupayotl army too and it struck me the other day that the city is submerged but whats to say that the...