Yoghurt :D
Hm. that might be an option as well, but I guess I'll try the color schemes I've come up with first... If they all don't work for me, I have to...
Cold winters
I've been lurking on this forum for a few days now and I haven't spotted a game topic yet. So I thought I should post one, because every forum...
Wow, that is one very impressive tattoo! :D It is an original one as well, I've not seen many people with the serpent god as a tattoo. How did...
Thank you for your advise ^^ I guess I will try that one out, as well as the yellow scheme. I guess green is a color which is used very much...
Hi you guys! I'm completely new to this forum, as well as to the world of Warhammer. I've wanted to paint models for quite a while now, but...