Its 15 points for an average of one extra die a game.
Results: Slaan blew himself up once, and the other guy's army the other two games. Lesson learned? Always pack the +3 initiative potion on the...
Used properly they are terrifying still. Hit a unit on the flank/rear when you charge a unit on the front for total domination. Stompy attacks,...
Good catch, thats what I get for writing it up early in the day and stealing the format.
The Lore of Light Gear/Discipline Choices: I prefer to run my Slaan with a Cupped Hand as well as a Bane Head. I also like to run Focus of...
Going to 'ard Boys today, will see how two slaan work out. One with light, the other with death. Death Slaan will have a magic carpet and a...
Give him the 4+ ward save on first wound. It is absolutely mandatory IMHO.
Every spell in the lore can be upgraded to cast up to 24" away range (save one), and it doesn't break the casting bank to do it.
I may be a bit of a pariah when it comes to the lore I prefer to take with my slaan, but the Lore of Life actually takes a back seat to the Lore...
First post, but I have been playing Lizardmen in a competitive environment for a while now, I figure I would chime in here. Lore of Life- At...