Here are the sheilds. sorry about the duplicate thread. i need to make a better set up for the photos. have a black back drop.... [attach]
this is true. that's why attempt to throw miscasts at my opponent instead of doing the bane head and feedback combo. with the cupped hands of the...
Ive tried 30 different combinations for the past 30 min and i cant find out which code i need to post pictures? I've tried (img with img code)...
Need help deciding a color scheme for my saurus unit. which sheild color do you like and which skin color do you like? [img]
almost done with my saurus warriors so i'll get some pics of those up soon. im going with a lot of gold in my army. cant figure out what skin and...
there's a pdf for every army online. free information age!
thanks for the advice. i've been hearing hearing about the the feedback scoll with bane head a lot on the boards. i usuall put plaque of tepok and...
I gave my skink priest the talisman of protection and plaque of tepok (engine of the gods)
darn! it would be cool if the crew could look out for the character. oh well. if the steg is near a unit, can they give 4+ look out sir or is that...
Holy crap that thing looks awesome.
Are they viable anymore in 8th? Shooting Modifiers... -1 Multiple shots -1 Move/March -1 and typically long range (12"range on the blowpipes) so...
Sweet. I've done that before with my vamp army. three wizys with all vamp lore. muwahaha. aw i miss them. to bad they got owned with 8th.
eh, just gonna upgrade it to an ancient steg. want to get that thing into battle anyway with the thunderstomp and impact hits...
AH! Sorry my friend just looked it up. Uh, stupid dark elf player.... Another question though. Skink Priest. Do the crew get to look out sir?
So i hear he doesnt get a Look out Sir because of his base size. What is that!?
Hmmm. Interesting tactic. I would assume the Slann could switch places. Seeing as it doesnt break the temple guard rules. I could see the Death...
Got decimated. I eeked out a draw through point denial. with the slann topped out at 525! He usually survives the battle with lifebloom. My...
eeeee! thank you!!!