cut the coldones no good any more and as for the stegadons use them for close combat they hit hard thats the only reason i play 7 of them
WOW very nice i am a noob with painting so i dont even come close too that good i keep having a hard time with washes i always put too much on or...
i thought ard boyz was 3000 points?
here are some more of my guys hope you like
ask this guy or go here i like these ones the bases blue table...
this was taken with my phone when my camera arrives i will post some better ones
maybe this one works
i just could not help my self from all the skulls lizardmen have lol this is too insult khorne...
well for my 3000 point ard boys i took one and my slan of life with regrowth just brought it back too full health every turn and it even got...
im new myself too the game i will try it out for you
Slann of life w/ Focused rumination, Focus of mystery, cube of darkness and bsb sarus oldblood w ogre blade armor of destiny Heroes sarus...
so i took second at my local game store and am invited too the next stage i and i have no clue what too take HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i do like chameleons took down 4 ogres before they died in a game one time
i like the eotg the few games that i have played with it is great killed lots of dwarf's but if i cut a slann which one should i play i like life...
OK so i have just got into fantasy and this is what i want too play in an upcoming tournament for a free battle box its free too enter as well...