Saraus warriors will never go first (great weapons/zombies aside). 8th took away the only reason you'd want to charge with your saraus. So most of...
The first list is actually about 340 point OVER. I don't know if you played the team game with the list you posted first... but yeah. Chakax...
Buff spells. Buff spells. Buff spells. Seriously chaos warrior (chosen and khorne especially) hit like a sack of bricks. here's what I do. I...
Hey all, my local GW is running a mini campaign, we are running through all of the basic scenarios in the main rulebook followed by a massive...
yes a priest has heavens but a slann may cast magic missiles through priest. I like this it's similar to something i ran back in 7th ed. I need to...
Ok arguing that you can get skinks for the same points.... 180 points for 4 swarm bases. that gets you 36 skinks. or 30 with and full command...
In most Instances they are a throw away unit anyway. I mean te best thing these guys are doing is getting in the way of stuff. Running...
2500+ point games multiple stegadons can be mean, especially when used as the hammer in a hammer and anvil strategy with your saurus blocks. Right...
I'm new around her but am certainly not new to the lizardmen. I've been playing since I was 12. I got into right as they were transitioning from...
hey all I literally set up an account to reply to this thread. Ok so in 7th they weren't very good to to crumbling and stuff. in 8th the are...